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Serasa Water Sports Complex, Monday, 24 June 2024 – A Certificate Presentation and Closing Ceremony for the (JNCOs) Leadership Course Serial 02/2024 was held in the multipurpose room of Block A at the Serasa Water Sports Complex. The event was graced by Lieutenant Commander Mohammad Nabil bin Jalil, RBN, Commanding Officer of KDB AS-SIDDIQ, as the Guest of Honor.

The Leadership and Management Branch of the Sea Training School, Naval Training Centre, Royal Brunei Navy, conducted this course over five weeks. It started on Friday, May 3, 2024, and concluded on Monday, June 24, 2024. A total of thirty-four (34) participants completed the JNCOs Leadership Course Serial 02/2024. This mandatory course aimed to train and enhance professionalism, ensuring participants become competent leaders in executing assigned tasks.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by Able Rate Mohammad Khairul Ikhwan bin Misli, RBN. It was followed by a speech from the course participant representative, Able Rate Mohammad Shahdilah Bin Shahrinee, RBN. In his speech, he expressed gratitude to the trainers and shared his experiences from the course.

Subsequently, the Guest of Honor presented certificates to all course participants. Able Rate Mohammad Farhan Zawawi bin Zainidi was awarded the Overall Highest Score. The ceremony concluded with reciting the closing prayer and a group photo session with the Guest of Honor and Special Guests.