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MUARA. Friday, 7 June 2024 - The Handover Ceremony took place at the Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer, and Warrant Officer Mess, Royal Brunei Navy (Senior Rates' Mess, RBN), where a new President Mess Committee (PMC) for the Senior Rates' Mess, RBN, was appointed. The Guest of Honor during the ceremony was Warrant Officer 1 Irwan bin Haji Bungsu, RBN, Navy Sergeant Major. 

The highlight of the event was the Signing of the Handover Certificate, marking the official handing over of the RBN Senior Rates' Mess PMC between Warrant Officer 1 Sukarnain bin Mohamed, RBN, and next PMC, Warrant Officer 1 Fauzillahrahime bin Hj Awg Damit, RBN, and the appointed DPMC, Warrant Officer 2 Isa bin Bismi, RBN.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, led by Petty Officer Mohd Aizuddin bin Haji Sanif @Haji Serudin, followed by a speech from the Outgoing PMC. In his speech, he thanked the RBN Senior Level Mess Committee 2023-2024 for their contributions, cooperation in carrying out their duties and responsibilities sincerely, commitment, contribution of thoughts, and sacrificing time so that they could carry out various events well and successfully throughout the 1 year and 3 months of his tenure as PMC. 

The handover ceremony was then concluded with the recitation of the closing prayer.