Muara, Brunei Darussalam – 11 April 2024 – The Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) celebrated the commencement of Hari Raya Aidilfitri with Takbir recitations and Sunat Raya prayers at Surau Al-Huda, Muara Naval Base. Present at Surau Al-Huda was the Acting Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy, Captain Haji Mohamad Sarif Pudin bin Matserudin.
The RBN personnel, along with their families, gathered at Surau Al-Huda to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadhan and welcome the arrival of Syawal. The event began with the echoing pronouncements of "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Walillahil Hamd" (Allah is Great), announcing the arrival of Aidilfitri.
After the Takbir recitations, the congregation performed the special Sunat Raya prayers, led by Imam Faidil Rosemady.
A morning feast was held at Samudera Hall following the prayer. The get-together session brought together congregants and personnel on duty for the first day of Syawal. The session was led by Captain Khairil bin Haji Abdul Rahman, RBN, Acting Deputy Commander RBN.
The Royal Brunei Navy's celebration of Syawal 1445H with Takbir and Sunat Raya prayers exemplifies the spirit of unity, harmony, and peace that Hari Raya Aidilfitri represents.