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MUARA NAVAL BASE, Sunday, 28 January 2024 - The Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) hosted a Family Day in conjunction with its 58th anniversary. It was a day filled with joy, love, and gratitude, where everyone came together as one big family. Captain Haji Mohd Sarif Pudin bin Matserudin, RBN, Acting Commander of RBN, along with his family, led the event as the Guest of Honour.

The day started with the morning colours ceremony at the RBN’s Parade Square and commenced with a donation drive to support Palestine People’s Humanitarian Fund. The event was followed by a fun walkathon to Jetty Bravo. At the jetty, families enjoyed exploring naval boats and going on exciting rides like Landing Crafts and tours on KDB DARULEHSAN, KDB DARULAMAN, and KDB SYAFAAT.

There were also many activities, such as games, car and motorcycle shows, and rides for kids. Delicious food from various stalls added to the enjoyment of the day.

RBN aims to strengthen family bonds by involving them in activities that help them understand navy life better. They also promote healthy living for everyone in the RBN family, recognizing its importance for overall well-being. The event encourages behaviours that support mental, emotional, and physical health, building a strong family culture of dedication and care.

The Family Day was fun, learning and celebrating the RBN. It showed how important families are to the Navy and honoured their support for the brave Navy personnel.