MUARA, Friday 28 February 2014 – Today the Commander of Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) First AdmiralDato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Halim bin Haji Mohd Hanifah and his successor, First Admiral Dato Seri Pahlawan Abdul Aziz bin Haji Mohd Tamit presided over a handing over ceremony.
On arrival at the parade square, the Commander of RBN, First Admiral Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji AbdulHalim bin Haji MohdHanifah received the HonourarySalute later inspected the Guard of Honour which comprised of 4 RBN contingents, RBN Colour Party and RBN Band. The parade was commanded by Major(L) Haji Norbahrin bin Haji Muamad.
Following the inspection, the event proceeded with slow and fast march past. After the march past, First Admiral Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Halim bin Haji Mohd Hanifah conveyed his final speech as the 13th Commander of RBN. The day’s event continued with the Signing of the hand-over certificates marking the official handing over of the Commander of RBN. A ‘Doa Selamat’ was then read to bless the ceremony.
Marking the new duty placement, the new Commander of RBN, First Admiral Dato SeriPahlawan Abdul Aziz bin Haji MohdTamit received the Honourary Salute and later proceeded to inspect the Guard of Honour. This was then followed by the inaugural speech as the 14th Commander of RBN.
Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Halim has served the Royal Brunei Navy for 32 years and held the post of Commander of RBN since 2008. During his tenure, he has contributed profoundly in the realisations of a number of initiatives toward reforming the processes and performances of RBN. He also further strengthened bilateral cooperation and established close relationships between RBN and other foreign naval forces.