YDM PehinDatuJuraganLailaDirajaDato Seri Pahlawan Colonel (B) Haji Kefli bin OKLS HajiRazali was born on 06 October 1940. YDM Pehin started his career in Royal Brunei Navy, known as Boat Section on 1967, after he was transferred from Rifle Company AMDB. During that time, there are only 2 officers, himself as Second In Command (2IC) and Capt. Mc Ivay (Loan Service) as Officer In Command.
Earlier in his service, he attended Basic Navigation Course, where he joined one of the merchant vessels in South Hampton. YDM Pehin was the first local officer to attend Sea Training 'Sub-Lieutenant Course' in United Kingdom.
He also had the chance to board one of Royal Navy ship for long navigation training from Liverpool to Singapore transit through Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. He was also the first local officer to become the Hovercraft Pilot SRN5 and SRN6 upon completion of the hovercraft training in Isle of Wight, United Kingdom. YDM Pehin also had been assigned to several other ships and vessels such as KDB PAHLAWAN and RAJA ISTERI Class as the Executive Officer and later became Commanding Officer.
Whilst serving in the Royal Brunei Navy, one of the bitter memories and unforgettable, during YDM Pehin involved in towing behind one of the AML ships damaged after colliding with a fishing vessel in vicinity of UjongTanjongSapuh.
YDM Pehin was given the honor to command the RBN twice. The first one was on 22 April 1983 till 30 September 1986 and second time was from 25 June 1993 to 03 February 1995. YDM Pehin retired in the year 1995. He was blessed with 4 sons.