| 3/17/2025 11:22 PM |
Brunei-Muara, Wednesday 12 March 2025 – The Support Squadron Headquarters (SSHQ) of the Royal Brunei Navy recently held a 'Jasamu Dikenang' appreciation event to honor the contributions of former Support Squadron personnel and pensioners. The gathering took place at Rasa Ceria Café, Beauchamp Hall, and served as a heartfelt tribute to those who have dedicated their service to the squadron.
Publish Date:
3/12/2025 |
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| 2/19/2025 10:31 AM |
Muara Naval Base, Friday 14 February 2025 - The Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) and the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) today came together for a friendly football match at the Mini Stadium, Naval Training Centre. The event promoted teamwork, fitness, and closer ties between both institutions.
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2/14/2025 |
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| 10/1/2024 9:09 AM |
TANJONG BATU BEACH, Sunday, 29 September 2024 – The Royal Brunei Navy Wives Welfare Body (RBN BAKTI) held a Funwalk at Tanjong Batu Beach, Muara. This event was attended by Dr Hajah Dayang Suzana binti Haji Awang Adenan, Head of RBN BAKTI to welcome the new BAKTI members as well as to foster and strengthen relationships amongst Navy wives. The funwalk started with the recital of Surah Al-Fatihah and a warm up session lead by Dayang Nur Nazirah binti Azmin, wife of 1342 Lt Dya Pengiran Md Haqqul Matin before stepping into a 1.6 km scenic walk exploring Tanjung Batu. The event ended with introductory sessions and refreshments at the RBN Officer's Mess.
Publish Date:
9/29/2024 |
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| 3/25/2024 10:36 PM |
Pangkalan Tentera Laut, Isnin 25 Mac 2024 - Pegawai-Pegawai Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei (TLDB) telah berkumpul dalam satu Majlis Bersungkai kelolaan Komiti Mes Pegawai Pangkalan Tentera Laut. Hadir ke majlis tersebut adalah Kepten Haji Sarif Pudin bin Mat Serudin, Pemangku Pemerintah TLDB, para ahli Badan Eksekutif Tentera Laut dan para Pegawai TLDB yang bertugas di dalam dan luar Pangkalan Tentera Laut.
Publish Date:
3/25/2024 |
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| 6/20/2023 9:54 AM |
MUARA, Friday, 17 June 2023 – The young officers of Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) Intake 21 have organized the Remain On Board (ROB) Closing Ceremony at Muara Beach participated by bachelor and bachelorette officers of the RBN.
Publish Date:
6/17/2023 |
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| 3/31/2023 1:05 AM |
MUARA NAVAL BASE, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 – The month of Ramadan is a gift from Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala to all the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Its many blessings and privileges from Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala can be obtained by multiplying good deeds in order to seek the Redha of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala alone.
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3/28/2023 |
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| 3/24/2023 8:57 AM |
GADONG, Friday, 10 March 2023 - The newly commissioned naval officers of Intake 21 organised a Movie Night Out for the bachelor and bachelorette officers of the Royal Brunei Navy. The outing started with a movie at The Mall Cineplex, Gadong, followed by dinner at McDonald's Airport Mall, Berakas.
Publish Date:
3/10/2023 |
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| 11/16/2022 11:49 AM |
WEST PHILIPPINES SEA, Monday, 14th November 2022 – The officers and sailors of KDB DARULEHSAN participated the Virtual Steps Initiative during their deployment to Yokosuka, Japan in support of the national event 'BN On The Move in achieving 20 billion steps' which was held over 18 days from 27th October 2022 to 13th November 2022 where they achieved 5,855,503 steps.
Publish Date:
11/14/2022 |
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| 11/8/2022 11:36 AM |
MADANG, Saturday 19 August 2022 - The young officers of Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) Intake 19 organized a social outing for the bachelors and bachelorettes of RBN officers to celebrate the end of Intake 19's & 20's Officer Under Training Course (OUTC) as well as the birthdays of those born in May to August.
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8/19/2022 |
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| 4/26/2022 11:23 PM |
ROYAL BRUNEI NAVY, Friday, 15 April 2022 – A closing ceremony for the newly commissioned officers of Officer Cadet School Intake 20 was held at the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) Officers' Mess to commemorate the end of the 40 days of Remain On Board (ROB) programme.
Publish Date:
4/15/2022 |
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| 4/11/2021 10:28 AM |
PENANJONG, 09 April 2021 – Female officers of the Royal Brunei Navy organised a visit to 1131 Lt JG Fatin Afiqah binti Ramli, Staff Officer Grade 3 Doctrine Executive of Royal Brunei Navy HQ, to celebrate the birth of her first child, Khaira Az-Zahra' binti Abdul Nabilfikri, who was born on the 10th of January 2021. The celebration was held at her house in Penanjong, Tutong.
Publish Date:
4/9/2021 |
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| 9/23/2020 8:25 AM |
MUARA, Thursday, 17 September 2020 –The closing ceremony for remedial programme was held at Fleet Headquarters, Royal Brunei Navy (RBN). It was an inaugural programme successfully conducted by Fleet which started from 26 June 2020 until 23 August 2020.
Publish Date:
9/17/2020 |
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| 12/17/2019 4:16 PM |
GADONG, Saturday 14 December 2019 - The young officers of Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) Intake 17 organized an end of year outing for the bachelors and bachelorette RBN officers held at The Mall, Gadong.
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12/14/2019 |
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| 5/25/2019 5:00 PM |
KIULAP, Saturday 25 May 2019 -Fasting in the month of Ramadhan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and one of the main types of Islamic worship and devotion. Fasting is abstinence from our basic desires (nafsu) and is as an act of compliance and obedience to Allah and atonement for sins, faults, and mistakes. Fasting consists of breaking fast (sungkai) which is at sunset and early dawn breakfast (sahur). |
Publish Date:
5/25/2019 |
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| 3/5/2019 3:41 PM |
BATU SATU, Saturday, 2 March 2019 – The newly commissioned Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) Officers of Intake 17 organised an outing for the bachelors and bachelorette RBN officers at Utama Bowling to mark the end of their Induction Program into the RBN Officer’s Corp.
Publish Date:
3/2/2019 |
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| 12/25/2018 9:38 AM |
JERUDONG, Monday, 24 December 2018 – Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) officers gathered for a movie outing at the Empire Cineplex Jerudong, The Empire Hotel and Country Club this evening. Present as Guest of Honour was First Admiral Pengiran Dato Seri Pahlawan Norazmi bin Pengiran Haji Muhammad, Commander of the RBN.
Publish Date:
12/24/2018 |
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| 12/24/2018 3:50 PM |
MUARA, Friday, 21 December 2018 - The RBN Officers’ Mess held a birthday celebration for November and December celebrants. The event which was held at the RBN Officers’ Mess was preceded by RBN’s Year-End Parade, after which Officers as well as other ranks proceed to their respective Messes for refreshments.
Publish Date:
12/21/2018 |
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| 4/11/2017 9:44 AM |
Kiulap, Friday 3 March 2017 – The newly commissioned Naval officers of Intake 15 organised an outing for the bachelor and bachelorette officers of the Royal Brunei Navy at Bubble Monkey, Kiulap to mark the end of their Integration Programme into the RBN Officer Corp. |
Publish Date:
3/3/2017 |
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| 4/11/2017 9:38 AM |
MUARA, Friday 13 January 2017 - The Royal Brunei Navy Officer team and Royal Brunei Navy Warrant Officer team held a friendly football match, with the aim of strengthening the brotherhood relationship. RBN officer team was led by RBN Chief of Staff, Commander Kharil bin Haji Abdul Rahman while the RBN Warrant Officer team was led by Navy Sergeant Major, WO1 Pg Mohammad Soffian bin Pg Haji Matussin. |
Publish Date:
1/13/2017 |
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| 4/11/2017 9:32 AM |
ROYAL BRUNEI AIRLINE GOLF CLUB (RBAGC), 30 December 2016 – Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) Officers' End of Year Golf Tournament 2016 took place at RBAGC, Berakas, Officers. The tournament were attended and joined by First Admiral (R ) Dato Seri Pahlawan Abdul Aziz bin Hj Mohd Tamit, Deputy Minister of Defence, First Admiral Dato Seri Pahlawan Pengiran Norazmi bin Pengiran Mohammad, Chief of Navy and Officers of RBN. |
Publish Date:
12/30/2016 |
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| 4/11/2017 9:13 AM |
MUARA BEACH, Friday 30 December 2016 - This year, the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) hosted an end-of-year event for all officers and families at Muara Beach with barbeque and a variety of games. |
Publish Date:
12/30/2016 |
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| 4/11/2017 8:49 AM |
SERASA, Rabu, 20 Julai 2016 - Pusat Latihan Tentera Laut (PLTL) telah mengadakan sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri bertempat di bangunan Kompleks Sukan Air Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (ABDB), Serasa. |
Publish Date:
7/20/2016 |
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