Wednesday, 25 January 2024 –
Captain Haji Mohd Sarif Pudin bin Matserudin, Acting Commander RBN, attended the
9th Multilateral Maritime Virtual Key Leaders Engagement (KLE) hosted by Admiral Samuel
J. Paparo, Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet (USPACFLT). The KLE represents a virtual platform to communicate and discuss mutual challenges and in this series, discussions revolved around the theme of
"Challenges delivering Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR) in the Indo-Pacific and how we can strengthen our response together”.
Participants in the KLE included Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chile, Fiji, France (ALPACI), India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, and Vietnam. The Multilateral Engagement was initiated with the opening remarks delivered by Admiral Samuel J. Paparo, Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet,
he highlighted the need for enhanced cooperation and coordination among naval forces to deliver humanitarian aid and disaster relief effectively.
The engagement proceeded with participants presenting their remarks, further elaborating on the theme. The KLE ended with closing remarks by the Commander of USPACFLT appreciating the commitments of those in attendance towards improving HA/DR responses and stressing the importance of continued engagement and collaboration for a peaceful and stable Indo-Pacific region.
The Royal Brunei Navy aligns itself with its commitment to improving relations through naval diplomacy and exploring avenues for enhanced international cooperation towards contributing to a peaceful and stable region.