Defence Information Technology Unit (DITU), also known as Unit Teknologi Maklumat Pertahanan (UTMP) was officially launched on 9th July 2002 by Yang Berhomat Pehin Orang Kaya Amar Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Zakaria Bin Datu Mahawangsa Haji Sulaiman. It was inaugurated in Block 232 Bolkiah Camp.
DITU provides services adn facilities in terms of providing computer equipments, repairing and checking of computers and providing networks that could be in the form of Intranet and Internet networks.
- To be an IT-enabled defence organisation
- To spearhead and facilitate IT transformation in MINDEF/RBAF
- Supply of I.T hardware, software and consumables
- Operation, support, maintenance and enhancement of existing IT assets
- Management and support of the RBAF's ICT infrastructure and Information System
- Provide I.T. training
- Maintenance and enhancement of Ministry's Intranet & Internet Website
- Research and development of in-house application
- Providing services and information technology infrastructures