MUARA NAVAL BASE, Monday, 13 May 2024 – Following a recent house fire incident occurred at Kg Setia ‘B’ where nine houses were gutted in the fire on Saturday morning. One of the affected houses belongs to a family of 54668 Ordinary Rate Muhammad Khairul Hanib bin Talib, Royal Brunei Navy.
To help alleviate the burden of the victim, the Royal Brunei Navy has presented 'Sumbangan Dana Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei' to OR Muhammad Khairul Hanib. Commander Mohammad Faizal Ezam bin Haji Abas, Acting Commandant of Naval Training, presented the aid on behalf of the Navy.
The presentation was held in a modest ceremony that reflects the Navy's commitment to both national defense and humanitarian efforts. This gesture demonstrates the Navy's commitment to providing assistance to anyone in need, especially its personnel.