MUARA, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 - the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) Warrant Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers hosted an Iftar. Present as the guest of honour was Captain Haji Mohamad Sarif Pudin Bin Matserudin, RBN, the Acting Commander of RBN.
The evening commenced with breaking fast and performing the mass ‘Fardhu Maghrib' prayer at Surau Al-Huda. The event proceeded to the Warrant Officer, Chief Petty Officer, and Petty Officer (WO, CPO & PO) Mess for the Iftar and interacting session.
This event, an annual tradition during the holy month of Ramadan, is organized by the Warrant Officer, Chief Petty Officer, and Petty Officers' Mess. Its purpose is to provide an opportunity for mess members to interact and socialize with the Acting Commander of RBN. This year's event was chaired by WO2 Haji Shahri bin Haji Md Salleh, RBN.